Weekend Warrior Injuries Featured

Who is a Weekend Warrior?

Any athlete that concentrates on intense bouts of exercise 1 to 3 times a week is considered a weekend warrior. Medical professionals also agree the category includes men older than 30, who were formerly competitive athletes. The primary concern is that these sportsmen expect their bodies to adapt and recover in the same way that they did when they were teenagers. This behavior puts them at an increased risk for injury.

What are some of the injuries that weekend warriors experience?

  • Leg Muscle strains, such as hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves.
  • Ligament sprains particularly including ankle sprains
  • Tendinitis in the Achilles tendon and elbow
  • Shin splints
  • Shoulder and/or rotator cuff injuries
  • Chronic Low Back Sprain or Pain

What can weekend warriors do to treat injuries immediately?

The best immediate treatment for injuries follows the RICE principle.

  • Rest – Simply avoid putting direct pressure or weight on the injury. If possible avoid using the injured area for the first 48 hours.
  • Ice – Ice is the best way to reduce inflammation. There are some who support alternating ice and heat. If you have questions, it is best to contact a health professional for clarification. But, ice is always a sure bet.
  • Compression – Wrapping an injury applies slight compression, while at the same time helping to immobilize, therefore promoting healing.
  • Elevate – When possible, raise the injury, especially in the foot or ankle. This reduces swelling. However, if the pain lasts longer than a few weeks, it is time to seek the professional help of a physical therapist.

Can weekend warriors avoid injury?

Yes, prevention is possible but requires a bit of maintenance and effort from the athlete.

Cross Train During the Week

Muscles need to work to either maintain or improve fitness. Adding training sessions during the week will serve to both improve performance and prevent injury. Consider that you wouldn’t walk up to the starting line and run a marathon, correct? The same holds true for weekend sports. You cannot expect the best performance after sitting at a desk all week. Another bonus? Working your muscles during the week will also help prevent excess soreness.


Tight muscles seem inevitable as we age. It is important to understand that tightness in one part of the body will lead to gross inefficiencies in other parts. In turn, the weekend warrior will unconsciously compensate, thus causing injury. Although, if you are attentive to your body, this does not have to be the case. Stretching after an activity is the best way avoid tight, shortened muscles. Hands on professional manipulation and guided stretching also relieves the issue. Further, supple muscles can also improve reaction time during sports.

Warm Up Properly

Failing to warm up before activity is the biggest mistake any athlete could make. Additionally, static stretching before the body is warm will only cause greater harm. This type of stretching may cause the muscles to seize and strain. Dynamic stretching is an ideal warm up in that it gets the body ready in a safe manner.

Be Realistic About Expectations and Goals

While the thrill of competition may excite us, it is vital that we remember to take care of our bodies. Try to curb rabid enthusiasm and don’t forget to enjoy the sport. As we age, our bodies need sufficient time to rest and recover. Manage your expectations and set realistic goals. Let go of what you cannot do and embrace what you can!

Wear Appropriate Equipment

When it comes to avoiding injury, evaluate your gear. Are your shoes worn? If you need a helmet, is it in good condition? What about any padding or guards? Don’t compromise your safety with mediocre equipment. This is one area that is worth the investment. You will not need to purchase designer gear. But, do a little research. Try to get the most for your money.

Hydration is Essential

Dehydration drastically affects your performance, including muscular force, reaction time, speed and agility. Proper hydration begins before the game. Days before your event begins properly hydrate by drinking plenty of water during the day. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Also, make sure to drink water during the activity. Avoid huge gulps, thinks sip and sip often.

Seek Professional Help

Need advice how to remain active your whole life? Follow these tips for how weekend warriors avoid injury. Not only will your see improvement in your game, but your quality of life improves as well! If you have been injured Kinetic Physical Therapy can help. Our knowledgeable team has years of experience both healing and preventing weekend warrior injuries. Whether you sail, play golf or tennis, cycle or run, contact us today to learn more!