Relief From the Pain of a Torn Rotator Cuff

Relief From the Pain of a Torn Rotator Cuff

The same way you usually don’t think about a torn rotator cuff, your shoulder might be one of those body parts you pay little attention to… until it hurts. When there is pain, suddenly, we’re much more aware of how frequently we use our shoulders. We lift our arms or reach for something many times a day. Shoulder pain can cause a lot of worry and questions. Will the pain go away on its own? Is it going to get worse? Will it keep you from doing your job or playing your favorite sport? Often when there is shoulder pain,

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Physical Therapy After Hip Replacement

Physical Therapy After Hip Replacement

Each year hundreds of thousands of Americans undergo a hip replacement. Physical therapy plays a vital role in recovery. Physical therapists, especially those at Kinetic Physical Therapy, are experts at helping patients regain strength after surgery. Nothing aids the post-surgery recovery process as well as physical therapy. Hip Replacement Surgeries on the Rise Doctors find that the numbers of hip replacement surgeries rise each year. There are a few reasons this surgery is becoming more common. First, as modern medicine improves, the life expectancy age continues to rise. This means more people are reaching advanced age, and their hips wear

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Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Are you feeling Dizzy? Vestibular Rehabilitation may help. Balance exists thanks to our body’s vestibular system. “Vestibular” isn’t a word we use in everyday conversation. So, what does it mean? How can physical therapy help if our vestibular system isn’t working correctly? When a child is first learning to walk, they will fall. Probably many times. But the more they practice, the better they become at using their balance. The same is true for a child learning to ride a bike without training wheels. They rarely take long to learn how to use their balance to keep the bike from

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Elbow Pain? Physical Therapy Can Help! 

Elbow Pain? Physical Therapy Can Help! 

The elbow pain is probably not a something you thought you’d ever experience. That is until you’re living with a sore elbow. Your elbow moves thousands of times daily, helping you accomplish numerous tasks. The elbow is vital to our anatomy. Tendons, muscles, cartilage, tissue, and bone come together within the elbow to create a versatile joint. When your elbow is sore, it limits what you can accomplish with your arm. Physical therapy is a way to diagnose why there is pain and how to regain the function of your arm. Causes for Elbow Pain There are many reasons you

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Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain? Improving Your Core Strength Can Help Lower back pain can really effect mobility. Your body is a complex and diverse set of bones, tendons, joints, and muscles. A machine, if you will. A significant component of the machine is the core. The core affects almost all muscle groups. Millions of Americans suffer from chronic lower back pain. Often, lower back pain is because of weak core muscles. Back pain can result when core muscles aren’t strong enough to support your spine properly. Strengthening your core muscles with physical therapy can ease lower back pain. What Exactly Are

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Muscle Cramps and Physical Therapy

Muscle Cramps and Physical Therapy

Muscle cramps are the worst! There you are, sleeping peacefully in your comfortable bed, and you suddenly jolt awake. Muscle cramps! The pain is sudden and sharp. How could your muscle be hurting? You weren’t even moving. And yet your muscle tightened up, waking you up with a cramp. The human body has over 600 named skeletal muscles. You use muscles for everything from standing up to holding a pencil to giving someone a high five. With all the muscles we have and all the ways we rely on them for movement, it’s no wonder they cramp from time to

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Alleviate the Pain of Plantar Fasciitis

Alleviate the Pain of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is no joke! It can take some time to treat it. You’ll know if you have a scenario like this. You sit up in bed, put your feet on the floor and stand up for the first time of the day. You take a few steps toward your bedroom door. A sharp, stabbing pain hits the heel of your foot. Ouch! As you walk around, the pain lessens a bit. But boy, those first few steps of the day sure do smart every morning. This pain could be a sign you suffer from plantar fasciitis. What is Plantar

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Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Replacement Surgery

Physical Therapy can help you get the most out of your knee replacement surgery. You want to go for a walk around the neighborhood after dinner each evening. Take that family vacation, spending a couple of days strolling through an amusement park. Get down on the floor to play with your young grandchildren. But your knees tell you otherwise. It may be time for a knee replacement if knee pain impacts your quality of life. When you have surgery to repair a knee, you can be certain that physical therapy will be essential. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy before

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Physical Therapy Greatly Benefits Runners

Physical Therapy Greatly Benefits Runners

Runners want to run but if not careful could end up with a running injury. Many people continue to work toward their fitness goals. Perhaps one of your goals is to train for a running race. Or maybe you begin your fitness journey by running. Often there’s not a question of if a runner will sustain an injury, but when. There doesn’t seem to be a concrete statistic on how many runners are injured each year. But there has been research conducted that shows about half of recreational runners will encounter an injury each year. Physical therapy can be instrumental

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Physical Therapy Can Help Reduce Headaches

Physical Therapy Can Help Reduce Headaches

Most would do just about anything to help reduce headaches and migraines. Once they start they are often difficult to ease. There are a lot of factors that can cause a headache. Changes in weather, drinking, stress, poor posture, and hundreds of other scenarios can cause headaches. Anyone who suffers from frequent headaches knows they can range from annoying to debilitating. If over-the-counter medication isn’t giving relief, physical therapy may be the answer to reducing reoccurring headaches. Primary vs. Secondary The medical community has identified dozens of types of headaches. Headaches fall into one of two categories, either primary or

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